Release 3.7

Late autumn release

Constantly applying updates to keep secure and sate of the art. This release includes new hardware support and an all around set of updates.

New hardware support

  • Gebwell Taurus heat pump
  • KMtronic Modbus relays
  • Genius Expansion

Other than this, there has been adjustments to groups and some more registers and metadata for various Modbus devices. Also, support for json-based protocols which send broken json has been implemented as a work-around.

Server side changes

  • As part of the upgrade process devices that did not have alerts for historical reasons are getting them updated to match current settings. Thus new warnings may happen.
  • Further refinement of data collection and server side code & deployments


  • Icon for QR-link has now a QR-image instead of a link-image.
  • Ediel exports can now be listed
  • When scanning a device token, it'll suggest to bind it to a site if not already there
  • Prototypes are now automatically bound to devices when binding them to a site
  • Further consistency and automation in afase

Release v3.30

Release v3.29

Release v3.28